Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sun executives hefty pay increase for 2006, six times the most high

Beijing on September 21 news, Sun announced this week three, the company CEO Qiaonasenshu Watts (Jonathan Schwartz) and Chairman of the Board Mike Scott Neely (Scott McNealy) 2006 salary increase for the year. While Sun has not profitable this year, but spending has been cut through layoffs and regain some market share.

Schwartz total compensation in 2006 will reach 22.8 million U.S. dollars, far more than 3 million U.S. dollars in 2005, or six times over; McNealy total compensation in 2006 will reach 16.5 million U.S. dollars, as far more than 4.2 million in 2005 dollars. The two Sun executives total compensation increase from the company granted restricted stock, of which Schwartz was worth 12.97 million U.S. dollars will be restrictions on equity, while McNealy will be worth 6.7 million U.S. dollars equity restrictions.

According to Sun to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission filings, Schwartz fiscal year 2006 will be 290 million shares, received only 80 million shares in 2005; McNealy will receive 300 million shares in 2005 was only 125 million shares. The right of the line prior to the date, if the Sun shares rose 5% annually, Schwartz received options in fiscal year 2006, the value will reach 8.4 million U.S. dollars, McNealy was the value of equity will reach 8.7 million U.S. dollars.

Sun said it obtained 290 million in equity McNealy, 90 million shares exercisable at a price of 3.85 U.S. dollars, and exercise date July 28, 2015. McNealy remaining 200 million shares, and Schwartz 210 million stake in the exercise price of 4.95 U.S. dollars, and exercise date April 27, 2016. Week 3, Sun shares in the Nasdaq rose 0.04 cents, or 5.16 U.S. dollars, or 0.78%.

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Intrusion Detection (ID) FAQ (on)

On intrusion detection, what open standards exist?

Intrusion detection so far had not come to open standards. But we are in this direction.

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is developing Internet standards entities. They have a working group dedicated to the development of a common format for IDS alarm. The group has completed the investigation phase of the demand, the specific design has been basically completed, but the specific details may change slightly. Implementation of the initial work will probably be conducted to finalize the standard small changes. Now the design is similar to HTTP connection through the format of XML-based IDS to send a warning. In order to meet the needs of IDS analysis, and so the agreement can be in a natural way through the firewall, people have done a lot of work.

We welcome more staff involved. IEFT Working Group would like to participate in any and skillful people who are open. This is because the individual is always able to put forward the best way to solve the problem, rather than the boss's agenda to give the answer.

The purpose of the working group can refer to http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/idwg-charter.html, mailing list: http://www.semper.org/idwg-public/ working group documents can view http : / / www.silicondefense.com / idwgISO of T4 Committee also paid a lot of efforts, intrusion detection framework proposed. The progress of the project is still unknown, FAQ authors have also not have access to known data.

Common intrusion detection framework (CIDF) is the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for the IDS data exchange made an attempt. CIDF not want to get a commercial product can affect the standard, it is just a research project. Now CIDF development seems to have stopped. CIDF similar to Lisp's format used to exchange information on the invasion-related events, and to use these messages define a large number of system prototypes. Http://www.gidos.org you can get more information.

How heavy traffic in a network environment to achieve the exchange of intrusion detection system (web-based)?

In exchange environment to achieve the main difficulty of intrusion detection system is different from the hubs and switches caused. The concept of the hub is not connected, so each packet received from one port will be copied to other ports. However, the switch is based on the connection, when a data packet from the switch port to enter a temporary connection, the packet will be forwarded to the destination port. Therefore, the hub environment, we can probe into any of our locations, but for the switch, you must use some means of making the detector can monitor the traffic needs.

The current choices are TAPS (in Chinese meaning for the faucet), hubs and cross-port (spanning port, in some places, also known as Mirror Port mirroring ports), cross-port switch can be configured in pairs as a port as hub work. For example, in Figure 1, we want to monitor the switch and resource machine (Resource Machine) the connection between the conditions. So we can switch the resource base of data transmitted through the port where the IDS port. We can send resources to machine data packets sent or received data packets, or both. Some of the existing switches can not guarantee 100% will be sent to the span port to monitor traffic, so even if the intrusion detection system is set to monitor all the attacks, some attacks may also be undetected. Sometimes the switch port only allows transmission of a packet, so monitor multiple hosts at the same time very difficult, even impossible.

TAP is to use a hub or similar solutions. Hub or tap is placed in the middle of the monitored link, usually located between the two switches or between switches and routers, or between servers and switches, and so on. In Figure 2, the hub is placed between the resource hosts and switches. In this way, resources between the host and switch networks are still running, but due to the characteristics of the hub, the network data is copied to the IDS on. Some of this and similar across the port, but across the port can only monitor a single host. Hub to connect multiple machines to cause network problems offset the benefits of the switch the other, using a fault-tolerant hub will greatly increase costs. Tap is used to design pairs of primary connection (that is host to a switch from the resource connection) fault tolerance, and use the hardware to ensure that no error occurred.

Figure 3, a tap is used to monitor a host of resources. Tap is one-dimensional, allowing only the host from the switch and resources to the IDS between the traffic through. This prevents the IDS host to a switch or a resource flow, the flow rate will not go back to IDS. Since the tap is one-dimensional, we can tap the network traffic from several leading to the hub, and ultimately by the IDS to monitor, so it will not cause network problems, see Figure 4

What is a honeypot? How to use the honeypot?

Honeypots are programs that can simulate the specified port on your computer to run one or more network services. Attacker will think you run some of the loopholes in the service, to break through those systems. Honeypots can be used to record all the activities connected to those ports, even including the attacker's keystrokes record. This will provide you with early warning of some joint attacks.

A honeypot program called cheat Kit (Deception Tool Kit), can be downloaded from the http://www.all.net/dtk/index.html. You can configure a port to connect to each reaction.

Honeypot server running on the well-known, such as Web, e-mail or domain name server, and it is appropriate, because these systems are often the object of attack. Honeypots can also be used to replace the system being attacked.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

ASP test two simple functions external to submit

This article cites two simple test ASP-function external to submit examples of the first function is ChkPost (), it can detect whether the server name where the user is currently present in the source page, the second function is PostCheck (), it can Through a simple test to see whether the POST form submission.

Function ChkPost ()
Detect the user currently exists in the server name where the source of the page

Code is as follows: Function ChkPost ()

dim server_v1, server_v2
chkpost = False
server_v1 = Cstr (Request.ServerVariables ("HTTP_REFERER"))
server_v2 = Cstr (Request.ServerVariables ("SERVER_NAME"))
If Mid (server_v1, 8, Len (server_v2)) <> server_v2 Then
chkpost = False
chkpost = True
End If
End function

Function PostCheck ()
Very simple test is to test whether the POST method to submit

Code is as follows: Function PostCheck ()

PostCheck = False
If Lcase (Request.ServerVariables ("Request_Method "))=" post" Then PostCheck = True
End Function

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Analysis of the "financial center"

Many articles are talking about a similar "business management in order to finance the center, so management information should be first on the financial system" argument. Such arguments have a lot of individuals and companies, many of whom are from the transition to computerized accounting ERP system, companies and even some foreign companies, the statement shows is that people talk.

This understanding, the development of management information for enterprises to implement these steps, there was indeed no small impact. Some software companies on the implementation of the methodology recommended first on the implementation of ERP financial, and many case reports as well.

Core business is the integration of the relationship between

Financial management includes many things, such as capital, management accounting, financial accounting, cost-benefit analysis of various financial, etc.; but often the so-called "center" of the "financial" deal with the scope of limited accounts, but only the financial accounting part, that is, the scope of traditional computerized accounting.

The ERP is a computerized accounting with the great tradition of the differences, mainly in two aspects: from a management point of view mainly the application of management accounting, mainly from a technical point of view of financial information and business information integration and synchronization. Figure 1. Each system will automatically generate a transaction certificate, leaving "footprints", the business process is a "visual" help trace and audit, but also conducive to business process improvement and restructuring.

Figure 1 Computerized Accounting and ERP differences between the financial system processes

Enterprise management involves a lot of business, some of which are core business; no business operations of these businesses out of the question. Take manufacturing, its core business and their relationship can be expressed in Figure 2.

Figure 2, the core business of manufacturing

We know, MRP, MRP II and ERP is a manufacturing information management system of the three most important milestone. Three Character Classic, in which several English, has a "P" word is "plan." MRP / ERP principles of the company as one body, planning and control is seen as a "nervous system", coordinated control of all operating production activities, including planning and control and logistics costs and capital planning and control. Therefore, in order to plan and control the three are the main line. On internal integration of information management terms includes all the core business.

As can be seen from Figure 2, with the other business, like finance, belong to the core business. Any type of business, the content of the core business may change, but they are ultimately finance; Perhaps, this is it easy to finance as the "center" for a reason.

But we must note that each of the core business is a kind of process, but there is a different process occurs after the first, is that project management is often stressed that the "pilot" and "follow-up" relationship. The financial cost is the sales, production and procurement of the results of the three core business operations, compared to sales, production and procurement in terms of a "follow-up" process. Through financial analysis, then, in turn, guide or amended business. Here the information flow is closed loop, and thus is "interaction". Can be seen between various business systems is an interdependent relationship between the interaction of the integration, rather than as the center of that relationship.

A lot of work is financial management accounting process, and finally generate the Ministry of Finance and Company Law requirements of the three statements - income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement. These statements reflect the situation of a period of business results, accounting in some external to the business end of the publicly available information. The key word here, one is the "results", one is "final" in that it does not reflect the "process" can not be "real."

In no other business before the implementation of the system, all the raw data into the financial system, are manually entered, and even "artificial", and can not reflect the information integration, real-time and accuracy are not guaranteed. Report on all data should come from various business systems, if not in real time to reflect business processes, business processes can not be visualized, it can not effectively control and optimize business processes, and promptly correct possible deviations. Often find problems, has caused irreparable consequences. This is not the implementation of information management systems to pursue goals and objectives.

To achieve financial and operational synchronization, you can not only on the financial system. Materials of each type of flow or changes can be viewed as a transaction, the transaction should be synchronized with the accounting treatment in order to achieve the information "real-time." Figure 3.

Figure 3 logistics information and funds flow information integration

Not to say that the implementation of enterprise information management systems in the process, not the first on the financial system, not absolute. However, if the first on the financial system, it must be the reality of the situation mentioned above have a clear understanding.

Imagine if a company produced products do not meet the market needs a serious slow-moving, plant suspend production for rectification, basic living expenses of workers take home standby, is very depressed, precarious situation. At this time the Finance business to do? The "financial center" you can save this situation? Did not operate production business, where will the Finance?

Given material value - the cost of entry points

Many reported that the successful implementation of the MRP II or ERP system, business, cost systems often delay implementation, strictly speaking, is not enough on the standard MRP II, ERP more out of the question. There are many reasons, some are not implemented "production operation control subsystem", the product cost can not be calculated. Product of the standard cost or cost of the project can be formulated in advance, but the actual cost of purchasing and production from the two executives to get feedback. If there is no standard cost is not to mention the cost of the plan; not the actual cost, not tell the deviations in the implementation process, there would be no cost control.

Not on the cost of the system, product cost information is not accurate. No accurate cost, will bring a series of management problems, including: blind pricing, profits are not allowed, profit and loss is unclear, there is no basis for product development decision-making. In the financial statements, is the cost of the project a lot of profit and loss account in the Xiaoshou costs and profits, the balance sheet of the current assets and inventory with the cost of Youguan Jine; Bushang cost system, the financial statements of Xuduoshuju Duhui Shiqukekao basis , credibility is hard to say. The implementation of the cost of the system it must be some of the core management information systems business.
So: material information with key financial information integration of a key entry point is the cost, the customs, if Chuang, however, before the financial system, the significance of management decision-making will be much worse; This is the management accounting with financial accounting interrelated important part.

In the long-term management of extensive manual mode, can not accurately handle large amounts of data; in the ERP system, costing some of the parameters needed in the case of manual management is never used; therefore, is bound to encounter the implementation of ERP an "information development" issue. ERP system cost results, sometimes in conjunction with extensive experience in manual management of the data obtained is very different, so people skeptical, not used. Such problems should be in the ERP project implementation, through training to deepen understanding, obtained through simulation testing possible solutions, not "quit."

Rare inscription around the former Premier Zhu Rongji had made an exception for the National Accounting Institute two questions, including "do not do accounting" in the following words of inscription (honesty integrity do not do follow the guidelines for the re-cook the books), indicating that national leadership people attach great importance to the authenticity of the accounts. But if there is no ERP system support, even if subjectively not the slightest idea of false accounts, or the authenticity of the accounts will be discounted.

If you hold the "financial center" of the argument, first on the financial system, all data entry entirely by hand, can not reflect the real-time information integration and sharing, is still an island of financial information. Even made a few nice statements, the authenticity of how, on what management decisions they can play a useful role, worthy of deep reflection and discussion.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Unicom announced iPhone bare metal prices

Today, China Unicom officially announced the iPhone bare metal prices, which does not participate in package plans iPhone, the contract price, iPhone 3G 8GB price of 4999 yuan, iPhone 3GS 16GB price is 5880 yuan, iPhone 3GS 32GB price is 6999 yuan. Users do not have stored the bill, they can buy the bare metal.
From the price point of view, China Unicom bare metal version of the iPhone price of at least 1,000 yuan higher than, the 32GB iPhone 3GS the largest difference, about 1462 yuan. In addition, Unicom version of iPhone is not Wi-Fi capabilities.
According to industry sources, the present situation, Unicom iPhone bare metal prices high, beyond the ordinary user of the psychological level, this is bound to affect Unicom version of iPhone sales. However, China Unicom to data released yesterday, the National Day holiday on the 8th, Unicom iPhone booking number has more than 10,000.
Official said China Unicom, China Unicom will adopt its own operating room, co-agents and stores to sell Apple's iPhone bare metal. Users will have the time of purchase the sales staff to be trained guide to show users related functions.

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